I lived four and a half years in northern Japan while serving in the U.S. Air Force. When I became the minister for the Southside Church of Christ in Killeen, Texas (near the Ft. Hood Army base), I was able to minister to the large Korean community in that area. And in July of 2016, I traveled to Singapore to teach in the school for a two week intensive course on Biblical Hermeneutics. That was followed up with a survey trip taken by Terilee and myself in October.
In addition to being familiar with Asian culture, I also travelled extensively in Russia and developed a curriculum to teach CHARACTER COUNTS! (a program originating from the Josephson Institute of Ethics in Los Angeles) to Russian school teachers in order for them to incorporate character training into their school curriculum. Later I became the Curriculum Development Coordinator for the Josephson Institute and also served as a national trainer.
Today, in addition to serving as the full time minister for the Quartz Hill church, I also serve as President and an instructor for the High Desert Bible College.
Terilee is accomplished in her own right. She is an experienced business woman, owning the franchise for the Antelope Valley of the TEAM Referral Network. She has written four books and has become an international Christian speaker. She also volunteers her time to serve in the children's ministry at Quartz Hill and to serve with Cherished, an organization which helps the rehabilitation of women who've escaped from the sex industry.
Together, we make a formidable team to serve the Lord in SIBI-Singapore.